
Fertility and prosperity owing to the curative properties of the mineral water and the unique peat mud

Kyustendil branch

The City of Kyustendil is in a vast plain at a moderate altitude of – 525 in the northern foot of the Osogovo Mountain. The sanatorium is in the city center. The main resources of the branch are the mineral water and the peat mud originating from the swamp Chuklyovo Blatoin the Village of Baykal, Kyustendilsko (the peat mud depot is the only swamp approved for medical purposes). The peat belongs to the peloidal group, formed as a result of a geological process. The mineral water is curative due to its sulphide, silicon and low fluorine content.  The ingredients of the mineral water are very important, low mineralization and sulphur, salts and various ions, temperature 17, 5 – 73 оС. It is clear, colorless with pleasant taste despite the slight hydrogen sulphide odor.


The City of Kyustendil is a wonderful setting for complete recreation and entertainment. The city is proud to be the birth place of many famous Bulgarian painters, like Vladimir Dimitrov – Maystora.Asclepion of Pautalia is a magnificent Roman thermal bath with temple of Asclepius – the God of Health, constructed in ІІ-ІІІ century. Other interesting sights are the churches from the ХІІ-XV centuries.

The southern part of the city is close to the Hisarlaka Park with remnants from a Roman fortress dating back to the 2-3century. Kyustendil has always been a starting point for tourist trips to the beautiful Osogovo Mountain.

The splendid nature and the numerousmineral springs, guarantee the excellent future to the cultural, spa and classical tourism, which has been developed with a network of chalets and routes.

Specialists in

  • Physical and rehabilitation medicine
  • general medicine
  • neurology
  • gynecology
  • epidemiology
  • psychology


Diseases treated

Diseases of the locomotory system of inflammatory, degenerative, traumaticand endocrinal nature:

– rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterev’s disease,unspecified arthritis /podagra, reactive, psoriatic, rheumatic , etc/ inflammatory polyarthropathy;

– disk disease;

– arthrosis, inflammatory polyarthropathy /of one or more joints /, spondyloarthrosis

– periarthritis, epicondylitis, tendovaginitis,bursitis, myositis, fibrositis, carpal channelsyndrome;

– states post fractures, distortions, luxationsand other traumas

– Моrbus Zudek

– post endoproshtesis stat of joints

Diseases of the periphery nervous system:

– neuritis, radiculitis, neurofibromyositis,plexitis, neuralgia

– mono- and polyneuropathy /diabetic, toxic, idiopathic, medicinal and infectious /,peripheral nervous lesions  /paresis/.

– consequences from traumas and injuries of the peripheral nervous system and the spinal cord, post-trauma myelitis

Diseases of the central nervous system:

early rehabilitation of post-insult states and rehabilitation of the complications at advanced states, consequences from traumas of the Central nervous system (CNC), birth traumas of CNC, Parkinson’s syndrome,migraine, neuro-vegetative dystonia,intoxication encephalopathy, DCP

Gynecological and andrological diseases,male and female sterility

– not specified chronic inflammatory processes of ovaries and pipes, adnexes,metritis, endo-, peri- and parametritis,ovarian dysfunction, complications following operative interventions /coalescence etc./,consequences from  unspecified chronicinflammatory diseases.

– states post gynecological operations.

– prostatitis, oligospermia, epididymitis.

Skin diseases

– states post thermal and chemical traumas/burns, freezing/

– states post crushing, states post dermal plastics.

– cicatrization disease /any kinds of changes in the edges /.

– chronic eczemas, seborrhea eczema,psoriasis, neurodermitis, chronic urticaria,pruritus.

Professional diseases

– chronic poisoning with heavy metal salts /lead, mercury, bismuth /

– overstrain of upper and lower limbs

Respiratory Diseases

– chronic faringitis, chronic tracheitis, chronicsinusitis,                       chronic bronchitis, chronic  asthma.

Healing methods

balneotherapy – baths, healing showers,pools, underwater gymnastics, underwater massage, irrigations, inhalations, drinking applications;

mud therapy – mud applications, mudbaths;

kinesitherapyactive, passive;

remedial gymnastics – individual and group, respiratory gymnastics, mechanicaltherapy;

curative massage;

specialized techniques and methods ;

–  manual therapy;

outdoor therapy;

full range of physiotherapy equipment–            electrical therapy,helio therapy,

Aerosol therapy;

laser therapy;

reflex therapy;

paraffin therapy;

lye therapy;

aroma therapy;

diet after the disease.


– infectious  diseases;

– malignant new formations;

– tuberculosis and dermal-venereal diseases;

– epilepsy and other not clarified faints;

– heart diseases at decompensation stage

Свободен прием

по клинични пътеки

по програма НОИ

чрез ЗОФ

Capacity and rooms

156 beds in 70 rooms:

– 3 apartments – renovated

– 19 renovated rooms with 2 beds

(І А* category)

– 8 rooms with 2 beds (ІА category)

– 15 rooms with 3 beds (ІА category)

– 6 rooms with 2 beds (І category)

– 4 rooms with 1 bed (ІІ category)

– 10 rooms with 2 beds (ІІ category)

– 5 rooms with 3 beds (ІІ category)

Additional Information

A wide range ofPhysiotherapeutic equipment

Outdoor  swimming pool

– Indoor swimming pool

– Remedial gymnastics hall

– Fitness hall

– Jet baths

– Mineral baths

Mud baths

– Jacuzzi

– Sauna

– Solarium

– Lift


– Safe deposit box (individual)

Proprietary parking lot

– Conference hall with – 50-80 seats

Typical features

Complex rehabilitation for the treatment of gynecological diseases and sterility


Complex rehabilitation for the treatment of patients after chemical and thermal injuries and cicatrization problems


Main curative factors

– mineral water – hyper thermal,hydro carbonatesulphatesodium,sulfide, fluorine.

curative peat from the deposit of the Village of Baykal, KyustendilDistrict


Transitional-continental, mild with Mediterranean influence.

Average annual air temperature: + 10,7 oC


by train

by bus