General contraindications
At the hospitals for rehabilitation the requirements for treatment with physical factors are observed.
The contraindications for treatment are:
- Patients at acute stage of disease.
- Patients with frequent bleeding, independently on the reason, except for the hemorrhoidal cases.
- Patients with infectious and parasites.
- Patients with malignant new formations subject to operative or other treatment or with metastases.
- Patients with liver cirrhosis.
- Patients with heavy progressive forms of anemia and other blood disorders, independently on the etiology.
- Patients with psychical disorders being taken out from the self-control state. Heavy psychopathies and neuroses accompanied by heavy depressions. Durable intrusive states and faints.
- Patients with epilepsy.
- Patients from all forms of drug-addiction and alcoholism.
- Arrhythmia and particularly, full arrhythmia, paroxysmal tachycardia, antrioventicular blockage.
- Patients in the period of decompensation of ІІI-th and ІV-nd degree.
- Patients with coronal insufficiency with frequent stenocardial faints and cardiac insufficiency
- Patients with nephrosclerosis at the stage of renal insufficiency.
- Patients with kidney-stone disease subject to operation.
- Gynecological diseases, contradictive for balneo- and mud-treatment – ovary cysts, myomas, metropathy.