Among the southern slopes of the Sredna Gora the present and the ancient times are venerated before the mineral water effect
Hisarya Branch
The Hisarya Branch is located in Hisarya – a town situated in the Upper Thracian valley on thesouthern slopes of Sredna Gora, at 40 km north of the town of Plovdiv. The branch’s main base is located in the central part of the city with an adjacent proprietary park for respite. The seal level is365 m.
The mineral water is slightly mineralized and of hydrocarbonate–sulphate–sodium, slightly radonium, slightly fluorine, hyperthermal (42.8°), alkaline (Ph 8.97) nature. The main effect of theunique mineral water of the resort is due to its hypoosmotic and irrigation effect on the tissues and organs, as well as to its diuretic effect.
The town of Hisarya offers multipleopportunities for respite, treatment andentertainments, as well as congress,ecological, rural, cultural, and holiday tourism.Mostly, the historical museum and the relatedarcheological reserve, the Roman tomb, thebiggest gate of the Hisarya fortress – Kamilitehaving impressive dimensions andrepresenting the southern entrance of the ancient Roman town Dioclecianopolis, as well as the summer theater built in the style of the antique amphitheaters entirely in the spirit of the Roman ancient towns, are visited.In addition to the picturesque and beautifulSredno Gorie, also the small villages at themountain foot can be visited, where there are old houses with preserved traditions and exiting past.
· Physical and rehabilitation therapy
· Internal diseases
· Nephrology
· Neurology
· Urology
· Pediatrics
Diseases treated
Urinary system: renal–stone disease,chronic pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis andurethritis, post–extracorporal lithotrypsystate, patients with one kidney, initial-stage chronic renal insufficiency;
Digestive system: chronic gastritis andgastroduodenitis, stomach functionaldiseases, dyspeptic syndrome, chronic non–specific enterocolitis, ulcer disease;
Biliary–liver diseases: biliary–stonediseases, chronic holecistitis, discinesia, post-virus hepatitis state;
Metabolic diseases; metabolic syndrome,fattening, diabetes, podagra;
Locomotary system: arthritic–rheumaticdiseases;
Neurological: discopathy, radiculitis,polyneuritis
Post-insult states
Healing methods
– Balneotherapy – internal and external useof mineral water – by drinking, baths,underwater massage
– Another treatment methods –physiotherapy, paraffin and lye treatment,curative massage, remedial gymnastic,manual therapy, aroma–therapy, terraintreatment;
– Healthy eating
– All diseases at acute stage, acute infectiousdiseases, germ–carriers, festering process in all organs;
– Frequent and recent bleedings of differentnature;
– All forms of uncured tubercolosis;
– Syncope;
– Thyrotoxicosis;
Свободен прием
по клинични пътеки
по програма НОИ
чрез ЗОФ
Capacity and rooms
160 beds located in 82 rooms:
– 2 apartments
– 19 rooms with 2 beds (IAcategory)
– 11 rooms with 2 beds (I category)
– 13 rooms with 3 beds (I category)
– 23 rooms with 21 bed (IIcategory)
– 8 rooms with 2 beds (II category)
– 6 rooms with 3 beds (II category)
Additional information
– A wide range ofphysiotherapeutic equipment
– Indoor swimming pool
– Fitness hall
– Remedial gymnastic hall
– Mineral baths
– Jet baths
– Pearl baths
– Sauna
– Lift
– TV
– Safe (individual)
– Proprietary parking
– Conference hall – 20 seats
Typical features:
Complex rehabilitation of men with chronic prostatitis and erectile dysfunction (ED)
Complex rehabilitation for the treatment of children and adults with renal diseases
Complex rehabilitation of adults and children with gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders and constipation
Complex rehabilitation of patients with obesity
Main curative factors
– mineral waters
– climate
Mixed transitional-continental
Average annual temperature: + 11,9 oC
• by train
• by bus
Hisarya Branch
2 Gurko Blvd.
Town of Hisarya
Postal code: 4180
Municipality of Hisar
District of Plovdiv